Cosmetic & General Dentistry

Who Is a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

Good Candidate For Teeth Whitening

Although this is a widely asked question, the answer is quite simple – almost everyone can benefit from a teeth whitening service. Weston Dental Office is here today to share with you some insight into who is a good candidate for teeth whitening and why that is. Continue reading this guideline to see what our Dental Office in Toronto has to say about teeth whitening services. 

Good Candidates for Teeth Whitening 

Teeth whitening is a service that is done to lighten the shade of teeth in the mouth. This service helps to aesthetically improve one’s appearance without the use of restorative materials. It’s important to keep in mind that there is not one treatment plan to follow, in fact, the number of treatments that one receives differentiates depending on each person’s unique teeth situation. For example, some people may require more treatments while others may require less. 

Now, let’s dive into who good candidates are for teeth whitening. One of the most common patients that come in for teeth whitening services includes those who have teeth stains attained from dietary habits. This includes coffee and tea drinkers as well as tobacco users. These types of stains can appear yellow or brown on the teeth and they affect the outermost surface of the tooth.  

During the teeth whitening process, if the patient is unable to stop these dietary habits that are contributing to their discoloured teeth, the treatment will not work. This is because, after treatment, teeth become dehydrated and susceptible to liquid and food stains. 

On the other hand, if the dietary habit stains result in intrinsic stains, meaning the strains rest below the surface and on the enamel, this means that more treatment will be required. This is because the stains have now reached a deeper part of the tooth and if the tooth is becoming grey, this is the most difficult colour to remove. 

Not a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening 

While some people are good candidates for teeth whitening, there are also a few specific groups of people who should not be considered for these services. This includes people who have oral cancer, those who have worn or damaged enamel, and those who have periodontal disease or chronic sensitivity. Individuals should always seek to consult a professional dentist before moving forward with any treatment. 

How We Can Help 

If you are interested in booking a consultation to see if teeth whitening services are right for you, it’s time that you contact the Best dentist in Weston Road. Our team at Weston Dental Office will be able to make you a custom treatment plan that is unique to you. In addition, we would be happy to provide you with any dental services that you are due for.  

For more information about any of our services, please feel free to call us at 416-247-1928. We look forward to serving you. 

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