There are times when certain oral or dental conditions require surgery in order to correct them. Of those, the most frequent are periodontitis or gingivitis. Periodontal surgery will help tread gums that have been affected by a disease, and treat damage by:
- Restoring tissues and bones
- Stopping tooth loss
- Reducing black triangles
- Getting rid of infections and bacteria
- Reshaping the jaw bone
What Can It Treat?
Periodontal surgery is mainly used to treat gingivitis and periodontitis, though it can be used to treat other oral diseases as well. Gingivitis is the milder form of gum disease that results in bleeding, swelling, and redness of the gums. Periodontitis is more advanced and can lead to the loss of bone and tissue in the mouth. Both are caused by tarter and plaque buildup as well as poor oral hygiene.
Types of Dental Surgery
There are several types of dental surgery that can be used to treat a wide range of conditions. The condition and the severity of the disease will determine which surgery is best suited to treat the patient. Prior to any surgery, one of our dentists will perform a deep scaling to get rid of buildup from around the gums and teeth.
Flap Surgery
Flap surgery is most often used on patients who suffer from deep-pocket tartar deposits. This procedure moves the gums away from the teeth to allow for the removal of the built-up tartar. The gums are then stitched back around the teeth to heal. In serious cases, bone reshaping may be performed at the same time.
Bone Grafting
Sometimes the bones that are around the root get damaged. In this case, our dentist will replace the damage with a graft from another part of the body, a donated bone, or a bone substitute. This will help hold the existing tooth in place and prevent further damage.
Tissue Grafting
If the gum line in a patient has gone into recession by the loss of gum tissue, a soft tissue graft can prevent further damage. Soft tissue is taken from one part of the body, such as the roof mouth, and grafted to the treatment area.
Guided Tissue Regeneration
Sometimes our dentist will need to help direct your gum tissue to regenerate. In these cases, we will place a mesh between the gum tissue and the bone. This allows the tissues to regenerate and the bone to re-grow without the gums invading the space.
Getting Surgery
The majority of dental surgeries take about an hour to complete from start to finish. Before the procedure we will give you a local anesthetic. Once your procedure has been completed, your gums will be stitched with a delicate thread that will be removed 10 days following your surgery.
It’s important to follow the proper recovery procedures to ensure that your gums don’t become infected and that your mouth is able to heal properly. Make sure to use an antiseptic mouthwash as directed by your dentist and follow any detailed instructions provided following your procedure.
Find Out More
There are various cost and options available when it comes to dental surgery. Your condition, past medical history, age and other considerations all play a part in your treatment options. Weston Dental Office is always here to offer the best advice possible for each of our patients. Give our office a call at (416) 247-1928 to schedule an appointment today.