Cosmetic & General Dentistry

What To Expect Post Wisdom Teeth Removal

What Expect Post Wisdom Teeth Removal

Life can already be stressful on its own, so the last thing you’re likely thinking of is how you’re going to feel after a wisdom tooth removal. The good news is that if you know what to expect before going into it, you can gain a better peace of mind and feel more confident going into the dental office. To learn about what to expect after getting a wisdom tooth (or teeth) removed, check out the information we here at Weston Dental Office have to offer.  

Getting Up From This Surgery 

Since this type of surgery is considered an outpatient dental procedure, it means that you will go home the day that the procedure. The amount of time it will take for you to recover fully, however, will depend on whether you were sedated or you were given anesthesia. In certain situations, due to your state, you will likely need to be driven home by someone else. Regardless of this, however, the moment you wake up from this procedure is the moment your wisdom tooth (or, rather, lack thereof), begins to heal. 

Post Surgery Pain 

Right after you wake up from the surgery, the pain should be minimal. This might come as a surprise, but this is likely because the anesthesia is still in your system. This anesthesia will wear off quickly, however. Because of this, you will need to be properly prepared for when the pain sets in. 

The best combination to minimize this pain is ice and over the counter anti-inflammatories. While other home remedies are available as well, pain medication and using ice to settle down the swelling is usually the best solution. 

Bleeding Post-Procedure 

When you get this surgery done, bleeding is quite common. Gauzes are usually placed into the mouth and onto the treatment areas to prevent this, but these gauzes can fall out, and bleeding is always possible. So long as there isn’t excessive bleeding that becomes much more than just blood tinged saliva, it should be fine. If it is like this, however, it is best to talk with your surgeon.  

Biting on a moist tea bag for about half an hour can help with excessive bleeding. What we do recommend avoiding, however, is rinsing of this area. This can actually cause more bleeding, so please avoid rinsing (and touching) these areas for at least a few days after the surgery.  

Overall Recovery Predictions 

While the first 24 hours will generally have you feeling tired, drowsy and disconnected, this will fade as the anesthesia and sedation begins to wear off and exit your body completely. Resting is one of the greatest ways to help speed up the healing process of wisdom tooth surgery, so we highly recommend it.  

When we talk about complete recovery, the ballpark answer is most often three days (or somewhere around that). Whilst this isn’t true for everyone’s situation, and some people can feel pain in their treatment areas for upwards of a week, complications may affect the amount of pain you’re feeling. If you notice that the pain from your surgery is not going away, we recommend calling your dentist as it may be associated with an infection. 

How Our Clinic Can Help 

If you are worried about your upcoming wisdom tooth removal surgery and you need help from some of the most experienced dental professionals in the field, let our team here at Weston Dental Office help. With all of the proper skills, techniques, experience and education, we go above and beyond the normal dentist’s office, and provide each and every client with stellar care. To learn more about our teeth removal in Toronto and how our team can help you feel more comfortable with this process, be sure to call us at 416-247-1928 today! 

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